1st Anniversary

Chocolate cupcake with #1 candle, and colourful sprinkles.


Today marks the first anniversary of NERDSCREEN!


This time last year, the site was only just up and running with The Grand Opening. My first post was the following day with a particularly short review of the delightful Me and Earl and the Dying Girl which wasn’t quite what I was expecting to review as it was part of ODEON’s ‘Screen Unseen’, but was a great way to kick off the site! I then decided to introduce occasional film news posts, starting with the First look at Michael Fassbender in Assassin’s Creed to receive a good reception. My final section was sparked by the incredible first trailer for The Jungle Book, causing me to do a trailer review for it.


Over the course of 47 posts, the unexpectedly most popular post proved to be Jeremy Irons and Brendan Gleeson join Assassin’s Creed, with 170 external links. The most read review was for No Escape with 55 external links, as arguably one of the best films of 2015. Given that there have not yet been many trailer reviews and breakdowns, there weren’t too many to choose from, however the most popular by a vast distance was for Captain America: Civil War Trailer #1 with 75 external links, later proving to be one of the biggest films of 2016, as well as a huge leap forward for super hero films.


In the last year I have covered all types of films from Sci-fis, dramas, super heroes, thrillers, adventures, etc, and have enjoyed writing about each and everyone of them, irrelevant of how much I enjoyed the film itself, and hope that I will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.


Over the last year, I have racked up a lot of views and grown to be part of a fantastic blogging community, as well as sparking discussions with a lot of people and creating opportunities for myself. Overall I have thoroughly enjoyed the process and bringing updates to you as an audience. Thanks to everyone who has given the page a chance and for supporting the site, I couldn’t have made it this far without you. Here’s to the last year and plenty more!



Thank you all!

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